Heart Fringe Backdrop

12:57 PM

I made some DIY for my engagement day, so many drama included but in the end it was all done. I will try more post about DIY tutorial because i dont go out too much lately so no food and new place review hahaha.
For my engagement i want to make everything by myself, too arrogant they said, but it was merely for a self pride. The backdrop itself changed more than 3 times. The first one got torn off from my wall, the second one looks hideous with colorful paper flowers, and when it just neaaarly came to dead end, i saw Oh Joy page and this page on Pinterest, and VOILA! they gave me the idea for my backdrop.

The basic idea is the fringe. You could use it for anything, it instantly make the party goes pop! just make sure use the right color. Fringe also can be made from any materials. Paper, fabric, leather, you name it.
Not so many pics during the process (only have two pictures), but i have this one just in case you curious how exactly to do this.

Heart Fringe Backdrop
This tutorial is in Bahasa and English.

English Vers :
Supplies :
- 10 sheets white crepe paper (or neutral color you love)
- Blue and pink (or any color you like for heart shape) crepe paper, 3 sheets each
- Cardboard size 20cmx20cm (i taped two cardboard into one)
- Glue or double sided tape

How To :
1. Prepare the cardboard. Because i used 2 cardboard so i merge them into one by using tape.
2. Print with A3 size paper the Heart shape (get it here) and trace onto the cardbord using pencil.
3. Take one sheet of crepe paper and start to make fringe (approx height : 4 inc), and make this with all the crepe you have.
4. Glue or tape it onto the cardboard, start from the bottom.
5. If you already done with half of the cardboard, start to make the fringe for the heart shape by using the color crepe paper.
6. Dont forget to trim the edge of the fringe along with the heart shape.
7. Continue with the white crepe paper until everything covered.
8. Done!

Tips :
- You can hang the cardboard using string or rope.
- If you hate to see the color of the cardboard, you can cover it with paper first before trace the heart shape.

Bahasa Vers :
Bahan :
- 10 lembar Kertas krep warna putih (atau warna netral)
- Kertas krep warna pink dan biru (atau warna apapun untuk bentuk hati) masing-masing 3 lembar
- Kardus bekas ukuran 20cmx20cm (saya menggabungkan 2 kardus sisa dengan lakban hitam)
- Lem kertas atau double tape

1. Siapkan kardus. Karena saya menggunakan 2 kardus, saya menggunakan lakban hitam untuk menyatukan keduanya.
2. Print pola hati dengan kertas A3 (ambil disini) dan gambar di kardus.
3. Ambil satu lembar kertas krep warna putih, lipat menjadi 2 dan buat rumbai-rumbai dari kertas krep, kira-kira ukuran tinggi 10cm
4. Tempel di luar gambar hari dengan menggunakan lem atau double tape. Mulai dari bawah.
5. Jika sudah sampai setengah dari kardus, mulai tempel kertas krep warna untuk pola hati. Mulai dari bawah.
6. Gunting bagian pinggir-pinggir mengikuti pola hati
7. Lanjutkan menempel kertas krep warna putih sampai tas kardus.
8. Selesai!

- Gantung kardus dengan tali atau benang wool
- Jika warna asli kardus terlihat terus, tempel kertas diatas kardus sebelum menggambar pola hati.

Not too difficult to do but you need all the patient you have because if you're using bigger cardboard, you need to cover it all and it takes time. I finished two of them in 5 hours (more less). Call your friends for help, it makes a lot easier and faster to do.


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