
Featured in Weddingku Magazine

4:10 PM

This is slightly embarrassing for me, our wedding was being featured on Weddingku Magazine. A little back story, after the wedding i sent few of our photos to Weddingku website and couple of weeks later i got email that they need some of information about me and the wedding and ask me to send another photos. I replied them right away and couple of days later they replied again and ask 10 more photos during the reception. Because i was busy at work and too lazy to pick photos one by one, i didnt reply their email until now (sorry). But later then, i got called from my office mailroom that someone send me package, he said it was magazines. I was puzzled, what magazine? because i never order any magazine in that time. When i open the package there were three magazines from Weddingku. I thought it must be because i gave them my address when they asked about my information. Because i didnt need wedding magazine, i ask my friends if they want the magazines. Unfortunately, we didnt have time to meet up, so the magazines still at my office desk un-open.

Last month, someone i dont know contact me through Instagram message that she wanted to ask about my wedding. She said that she saw my wedding on Weddingku magazine, and she have the same idea about wedding like mine. I was surprised because i never read any magazine which featured my wedding. I remember the Weddingku magazines which i abandoned. I start to open the magazine and search myself in it, and there was I and my husband! I was laughing so hard and immediately showed that to my office mates and i texted my husband to tell him too. It was weird to see yourself on magazine hahahaha. I didnt realize that they really featured us, that's why they sent me the magazine. Really, it takes more that 3 months before i open the magazine, really really i feel bad. Never said thank you to Weddingku for writing nicest words about our wedding. 

Thank you so much Weddingku for featured my wedding on your magazine. It was an honor being featured with some other weddings which prettier and grander than mine. My husband said it'll become evident to our children that their parent ever been on magazine.




10:43 AM

Couple of days a go, while i was scrolling my Instagram Explore, i found this picture that really interesting. It said that we need to reduce of using the word "VERY". Because language is not made for the lazy (i've read about this on Pinterest). Because language is rich and has beautiful meaning. Oh and if i'm not mistaken, the movie starred by Robin Williams also discuss about this. This is a good reminder for me who still learning English words. Reading English language book helps a lot, watching Downton Abbey also helps.



Hamil Sendirian

4:30 PM

Akhirnya draft dari bulan lalu kelar juga.

Kesannya ngeri amat yak hamil sendirian. Tapi ini beneran kejadian di saya sekarang ini yang lagi LDM an sama suami dan keluarga. Memang dari awal kenal duluuu sama suami udah jauhan, dia dan keluarganya di Bandung dan saya di Jakarta. Keluarga besar saya pun mencar juga, Ayah di Jambi, Ibu dan adek-adek di Surabaya. LDM sama suami berlanjut sampai nikah dan sampai sekarang. Karena memang hamilnya tak disangka-sangka, jadinya belum mikir buat resign. Kepikiran sih, tapi kepikirannya pas nanti sudah melahirkan/ada anak. Lha ternyata 2 bulan setelah nikah langsung hamil (Alhamdulilah). Jadilah sambil gubrak gubruk ngerencanain pe-resign-an disambil LDM an dulu sementara. Saya mau curcol enak ga enaknya plus sedikit kasih tips-tips how to survive hamil sendirian.

Positif nya :
- Lebih mandiri
Karena saya di Jakarta nge kos, jadi untuk urusan mandiri jangan ditanya (somboong). Tapi ngekos memang melatih kemandirian banget. Kita nya dituntut untuk problem solve sendiri. Mana saya bukan tipe yang suka "namu" atau ngobrol-ngobrol sksd sama tetangga kosan (sampai sekarang saya ngga kenal sama sekali sama penghuni 1 kosan, luar biasa bukan haha), jadi i force myself to do anything by myself, dan memang saya tipe nya dont mind being alone. Cari makan sendiri, nyuci sendiri, ngepel kalau kamar kerembesan aer hujan sendiri dan lain-lain dikerjain sendiri. Hamil ngga menghalangi itu semua, kecuali angkat galon sendiri sih. Bisa di di getok suami soalnya hahaha. Dia suka parno kalau saya angkat-angkat barang. Tapi emang bumil kalau bisa dikurangin ngangkat berat-berat sih, badannya udah macem kulkas yang gampang oleng. Jadi bahaya kalau angkat-angkat barang berat.

- Banyak jalan
Kosan saya dan kantor jaraknya deket. Jalan kaki 10 menitan juga udah nyampe. Dan karena di daerah pinggir Jakarta yang ga kena macet, jadi Alhamdulilah mlipir-mlipir gang udah nyampe. Bumil kan disuruh banyak jalan, apalagi udah trimester tiga macem saya. Selain buat stamina pas melahirkan juga biar si bumil gerak. Saya pulang pergi kantor mengharuskan diri sendiri buat jalan kaki. Meskipun banyak yang nawarin nebengin selalu saya tolak dengan alesan "biar jalan kaki", dan mereka ngerti banget kalau bumil harus banyak jalan (trus ngga pernah nawarin lagi sampai sekarang).

- Bisa jajan
Ini ngga bagus-bagus banget sih haha. Tapi kadang suami ngga ngebolehin makan yg aneh-aneh. Tapi kan kadang pengen weh makan yg agak melenceng, contoh SATE. Yaudah beli aja dulu, trus baru bilang :)

- Bisa belanja online tanpa deg-deg an
Ini yang ngeri suami sih hahaha. Kalau yang lain deg-deg an kalau abis belanja online barangnya dateng pas di rumah ada suami, yang LDM mah santai. Karena barang online shop biasanya dateng di weekday dan saya kirimnya ke kantor juga hahaha jadi aman

Negatif nya :
- Sendirian kemana-mana sendirian aku sedih :(
- Ngga ada temen ngobrol langsung
- Paling susah kalau udah hujan dan laper, mau keluar juga males
- Harus cari makan sendiri. Sampe boseeeeeen ke ubun-ubun sama makanan di daerah kosan. Itu-itu doang soalnya
- Paling sedih kalau udah migren kambuh atau asam lambung naik yang berujung muntah-muntah. Ngga ada yang bisa di manja-manja in setelahnya.
- Takutnya pas ada kejadian emergency ngga ada yang standby. Ini yang paling di ngeriin sama suami saya. Tapi Alhamdulilah sampai hari ini, belom ada (dan jangan sampe) emergency yang parah. Pas yang parah selalu pas ada suami.

Tips-tips untuk yang lagi LDR dan lagi hamil (ini menurut yang kejadian sama saya aja ya) :
- Jangan manja. Tapi kadang susah ya, kan bumil kadang jadi berkebalikan 360 derajat dari saat sebelum hamil. Tapi usahakan kadar manja nya di tahan-tahan, kalau ngga, bisa drama tiap hari
- Jangan sungkan minta tolong orang lain kalau pas suami ngga ada. Contoh, kalau lagi pegel keluar beli makan ya gojek in aja. Kumpulin nomer telp delivery-delivery deket-deket tempat tinggal. Jadi kalau pas males keluar tinggal pesen. Atau kalau capek nyuci baju ya laundry in saja, dont be so hard on yourself intinya.
- Usahakan tiap hari update keadaan diri sama suami atau keluarga dekat. Bukan maksudnya lebay, tapi kan kadang yang kita sepelekan malah ternyata itu penting. At least suami atau keluarga kita tahu keadaan kita lagi oke atau ngga.
- Ngobrol sama dede bayi nya. Ini yang kadang saya lakukan kalau mulai rewel seperti muntah-muntah abis makan atau migren kumat. Selalu saya bisikin "sabaaar ya sabaaar, nanti weekend ketemu papah". Entah ngaruh atau ngga, tapi kadang bikin perasaaan jadi enakan lagi.
- Jaga makanan dan kesehatan. Kalau memang anti makanan tertentu ya jangan coba-coba bandel makan itu. Karena kitanya sendirian, hindari membuat emergency ke diri sendiri dan ke keluarga. Nanti yang susah kitanya juga.
- Catet nomor telepon keluarga yang tempat tinggalnya paling dekat dengan kita atau teman yang bisa diminta bantuan. Just in case there's emergency happen.
- Banyak doa minta dilindungi terus sama Allah. Ini yang penting ya sebenernya hehee. Biar ngga terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Semoga tips-tips dan curhatan diatas bisa membantu dan menguatkan bumil-bumil strong di luar sana. We can do it!!



End of Second Trimester

12:59 PM

How's pregnancy life?hmm.. there's always be the ups and downs now and then but thankfully everything under control (i think). Here's the glimpse about my second trimester (which people said the best trimester of all).

1. I had headache or migraine once a week on the first month of second trimester. I had major threw up that i wrote here. It was brutal. Every time the headache come, i gag vigorously like a Velociraptor sound. Anything i eat before was gone, i couldnt eat anything until the headache disappear. If i eat anything during the headache, i'll threw up even more, even if i only drink water. So, yeah not my best month. Told my Obgyn about this and she said it probably because low blood tension and lack of sugar. Like seriously, i eat sugar every time! But in my opinion, it's because my blood temperature which sometimes in the all time low.

2. A day before Ied-Adh i had drama caused by pain in the upper stomach. It was so painful, i could not sit, walk, or sleep. I tried to hold the tears but it was just too painful i couldnt even bear it. My husband tried to look calm, he gave me warm water for my stomach. He hugged me and said "Sabaaar sabaaar" while i cried my eyes out. We asked my sister-in-law who a Doctor that it was probably maag or gastritis. In the evening the pain started reducing itself after i took Promag, but couple hours later it came again but more painful than the previous one. My back felt so tense, my stomach was even more and then i threw up everything. But thankfully i felt a lot better after threw up. My husband said that after that it looks like i just passed out on bed because i just oversleep without warning. Next morning the pain was gone and we went to Obgyn in Limijati to check the baby because we really worried something happened. The Obgyn said the baby was okay, no harm. Only she said that there's a lot of gas inside me. So i need to avoid any food that contain too much gas, and try to start relax my lungs and eat in small portion but 5-6 times a day. The Obgyn gave me 2 days for rest day, Yaaaay!

3. The baby bump starts showing on the week 20 something. Finally, everyone starts to realize that i'm pregnant not just gained weight.

4. The baby starts kicking and moving around. It's funny feeling when the first time felt it. Like seriously someone growing inside me and become too active at night and after meal. But the baby seems calmer when daddy is around. Bet the baby feels safer (mommy does too).

5. We already tried 4 different hospitals and doctors. Mostly in Bandung, but still cant decided which one for labor day.

6. I can not wait anymore for shopping haul hahaha. Why they are so freakin cute!

7. We are almost agree with name for the baby. But the daddy still insist using his name instead -__-

8. I feel so gassy. It's like there's so many gas inside my stomach.

9. Does pregnancy brain exist? Cause i keep forget things and become more clumsy day by day. 

10.Be grateful for those who doesnt experience Heartburn. 

It near to the end of pregnancy they said, the third trimester. Hopefully everything going smoothly and everyone is healthy. Because the last 2 doctor visit didnt provide USG print, no pictures on this post hahaha. But here's a glimpse our future baby who really good at kicking.

Mau bilang makasih buat suami, udah baik banget nget nget selama ini. Meskipun kadang masih histeris liat istri nya ngangkat barang gede. Thank you for being so patient dan perhatian banget banget, super duper khawatir kalau saya sakit dikit. Ngga jijik pas bersihin bekas muntahan saya hahahaha (di depan rumah orang dong soalnya muntahnya). Belain bolak-balik Bdg-Jkt tiap minggu. Otomatis mijetin kaki, punggung, tangan meskipun saya nda suka dipijet karena geli. We love you Paah



Books Love (Recently)

4:33 PM

I rarely read any books since two years a go. I think it was mostly because laziness and going out too much. So nothing to read for the past years. The last book i read was ummm i even forget what it was hahhaha. Maybe i tried to read one or two books but i never finish it. The reason was similar from laziness, going out too much and i had more interesting movies to watch. So good bye books, you'll be missed.
But recently after i read my friend's tweet about newest book from Lockwood and Co series, this bookworm inside started to growl. I became curious about the books. I already read two books from the early series Lockwood and Co but then i just stop following the series. Thank goodness they invented Ebook or Epub which you can always search through internet world. So i started to search the third book from Lockwood and Co. And then i was overwhelming by it. lets' talk about it one by one.

Lockwood and Co Book #3 : The Hollow Boy
It is the third book from the series. The first one is The Screaming Staircase, the second book is The Whispering Skull. It tells about Lockwood, George and Lucy who supernatural agents in London. Yep, the stories mostly about capturing ghost or something haunting inside old building or places and it takes place in London mostly. But in this book it wasnt just three of them, there is new additional team in Lockwood and Co, a girl named Holly, which makes Lucy a little bit jealous with her. I like the relationship between Lucy and the Skull. The Skull kinda reminds me with Bartimaeus (another books from the same Author), the sarcasm very similar with Barty. Which very annoying yet funny. The ending kinda shocking at first but then i understand completely why it was happen in the first place.

Lockwood and Co Book #4 : The Creeping Shadow
The 4th books. In my opinion is the best from the series. Somehow Stroud (the Author) wants to defined more clearly about the relationship from every character in the books. Like you would say "aww.." when Lucy talks heart to heart with Lockwood (i'm kinda wish they'll kiss hahaha), or Lucy with George even Lockwood with Kipps. Not to mention the shocking ending. But then we need to wait several months for the new book published. I finished it only in a day!

The Land of Stories : The Wishing Spell
From the Author who play Kurt in Glee TV Series. I heard he write children fantasy books and at first i become skeptics about it. Like seriously, you want to write a book and about fantasy, please. But i was wrong! He did it quite nicely. Event being praised by some medias. There are 5 books from The Land of Stories series, i"m still on the first book. Tells about twins who have adventure inside the fantasy land. Chris included the famous fantasy character like Snow White, the Evil Queen and The Red Riding Hood which i always fancy.

Harry Potter and The Curse Child
Who still have not reading this phenomenal book? It was like every social media(s) i have talk about this book. It was fun to have something come again from Harry Potter series. The books become everyone's childhood must to read, and the movies? i think everyone already watched them too. Actually The Play that i really want to see, but how come, it's just so far away (London far away), so Rowling made the book instead for poor souls who cant attend the Play which very very discreet that you cant have any clue about it. It was fun imagining the trio amigos already become adult and have family and jobs. Rumors said that it'll be produced into movie, but i dont think the old actors would play this, they are still too young, it'll be weird.

Last but not least

Anti Panik Mengasuh Bayi 0-3 Tahun
Cant help not to add this one. As a future new parent off course i'll be panicked when the baby already there. I have zero knowledge about how to raise a kid or a newborn baby. I knew this book from my friend's Instagram, that this book is very helpful for new Parents. It has colorful pages and very informative language. It is a must have item to purchased for new parents, seriously. Because it tells from professional perspective not only from myth (which i hate to listen).
Hopefully this bookworm of mine still continue to raise not just because of boredom at the office.



A Hello

12:53 PM

Hi! It's been a while, yes? How are you? I hope you doin okay. I've just read so many gloomy stories and listen too many gloomy songs today, well mostly i would blame it because of the weather. Jakarta's weather is crazy. So bright at noon and then suddenly a storm appears from the corner of the sky. Never forget to bring umbrella and take your vitamin. It helps a lot. 
Yesterday i had major throw up, it was the worst headache i've ever been on. It was like my head being bumped on the wall thousand times. I threw up three time, and it included everything i eat since lunch. So worry about the baby inside me, is he okay? I barely eat anything last night, every time i put something in my mouth (including water) i threw up again. But i force myself to do laundry instead tho my head banging all the time. I ended up sleeping after text my husband "awkay", because he told me to get some rest and stay away from the phone. But thankfully the headache slowly gone when i woke up for Subuh. But still, my head still heavy. I think there's something with blood circulation or blood pressure i dont know. Cant wait to go doctor this Saturday, and have a visit the baby as well.

Take care and be healthy.
#nowplaying : James Bay - Let It Go



After 3 Months

2:22 PM

I want to spread a good news, yep i'm officially have bun in the oven, or pregnant you might say. We (me and the baby and the husband not to forget to be included) had survive the first trimester. Which for some people sound scary and horrifying because there will be so many pain (on your tits, tummy and all over your body), nonstop nausea and vomiting, change hormonal issue, or gain weight (i gain 2 kg after 2 months married on my 4 weeks pregnancy zzz) and there's more if you want a big list.

Thankfully i experienced few of those pregnancy symptoms. Which are :

- I gained weight (duh!), not too surprise about this things because i usually so easy to gain weight.

- I easily exhausted. From walking too far and too long or taking stairs on my office. Man, it was like i need to slow down my pace. No more jumping to one tile to another while walking.

- I sleep a lot, i mean A LOT! Before knowing that i'm pregnant, my husband felt weird of me because suddenly after 8 PM i said good night to him. And then after that i feel sleepy every time anywhere. I sleep during office hour on my chair which i rarely to do.

- I start eat healthy. This one thanks to dear husband who always remind me to NOT USING ANY MICIN IN EVERY MEAL I TAKE. I dont know, i dont really mind at all if there's just a lil bit vetsin on my meals hahaha. But yes, i care about my baby so i start eat more green and healthy food. But after two months my appetite decreasing, i dont know if i dont want it i just cant eat it.

- I rarely feel nauseous and never vomiting at first. I felt a lil bit sick whenever i eat too many so my tummy feels too full. But it was one or two nauseous and then it's gone. Thankfully the most scary story about pregnancy is during their nausea and vomiting problems. I have friend who also pregnant, she could come to office because the vomiting was too harsh on her. Alhamdulilah Mance (we called the baby Mance) knows that the mother need to stay fit.

- I do experience "ngidam" or too craving on something, and mostly meal from my hometown Surabaya. But i never wanted something in the middle of the night which will make me and my husband crazy haha. I think Mance knows that the father cant always be around so the baby wont ask anything silly or crazy. Just something I could get by my self. 

- I feel like a urinal machine and the bathroom is my bestfriend.

- My husband become more protective of my self and the baby. He wouldnt let me bring or lift anything. He would give me killer look whenever i tried to bring my own bag or tried to lift something he thought it was heavy. He would reminded me to walk slower or take the stairs more careful. He would ask me "are you okay?" thousands time hahaha. He always drag me to nearest chair just make sure i have proper "break time" during our grocery shopping with family. Sure he will become the best papah in the whole world. We love you paaaaaah!

- My bestfriend is pregnant too!!!

- I had bad flu and cough during pregnancy. Sooooo stressful.

They said the second trimester is the best time to travel. Because the less body ache, the baby is already strong enough, the mama also already accustomed with the pregnancy. I wonder if my husband will read this and remember what he said during our waaaaay past conversation if it in the second trimester that we will go somewhere.

Please wish us a healthy and fun pregnancy!



Brush Lettering Workshop With LivingLovingNet

5:02 PM

Hello again! First of all i would like to say Happy fasting to all Moslem in the world. Ramadhan Kareem everyone. May you're fasting will go smoothly and you always be healthy throughout this month. Thankfully Jakarta isnt too hot, in fact the rain always pouring hard in the afternoon.

Last Saturday (two weeks ago) i was join workshop held by duo behind Living Loving, Miranti and Nike. They held two workshop in Bandung which rarely because they usually held in Jakarta. The workshops are weaving session and second one is brush lettering. The weaving session was sold out so fast haha but i was more attracted to the brush lettering session with Miranti. Go check their page to find out more about classes.

Located in Parc.C Cafe and Co-working space, i love this place. It's quite and very very good place for reading or working with your laptop. The meal and beverage is not too bad, and the price was good. With the dim light and chill music accompany while you working.

Back to brush lettering, the two sessions start at once but in different area. At first, the owner of Living Loving, Miranti and Nike gave speech about Living Loving and why they held two workshop in Bandung. They said that they came to Bandung because they need to shoot two artist's house which located in Bandung for their blog. So they decided to make workshops too.
For Brush lettering, Miranti told us about the brush and ink she usually use. She teach us how to make various strokes and then we started to learn how to make the alphabet. It was so hard at first because it was my first time using brush so my hand still can not do the hard stroke. You need to relax your wrist, because it 's the main thing about brush lettering, only your wrist that need to do "dancing" with brush.

After reach Z, she told us to make simple greeting card or simple typography art. I made these two, i know one of them was kinda fail haha but still, i was proud of myself.

After finishing it Parc.C gave us yumm lunch, i tried carbonara spaghetti which really delicious. And they gave traditional drinks from Rahsa Nusantara.

Because my husband already waited me too long haha so i ask leaving early. It was a good day and experience. I will definitely join if there's another session like this.



Cooking Guru

1:48 PM

Yesterday i'm officially being a wife for a month! Though i only see my husband on the weekend. But still, we survived this long distance marriage for a month. Our weekend filled with house hunting now, how fun (put sarcasm here). I feel you the  new couple who struggle with this kinda things. Wish us luck with house matter.
Another thing i love to do with my new title as a wife is i need to cook for my husband. He isnt a picky eater so he'll eat anything in front of him. Which should be really easy right? But i'm not a great cook. My go to meal are fried rice, spaghetti, instant meal and some snacks which very very easy to make. So it was a bit challenging the first time i cook for him. He said that he's afraid that he will eat "uncooked" vegetables because when he saw me cook, i looked unprofessional hahaha. But thankfully the vegetables cooked perfectly and it taste good! So proud of my self on that day.
Lately i love watching these cooking website and video, i love how they chop the union so fast (my husband laughed so hard when i chop the union with so much drama and tears included), how their hands so perfectly making those cakes! Here's the list for you new wife, and you're welcome.

 If you wan to learn easy meal this one can guide you, especially for college buddies.

How to Cake It
 Yolanda has the gift to make ALMOST anything from cake, like seriously this brain cake, or heart cake. Go watch her Youtube channel, she's really funny.

Cook Pad
 Everyone could save their favorite recipe here. So many recipes you could try.

Taste Made
 I've been following this account on Instagram. I like how they make 15 seconds videos how to cook.

A video posted by Tastemade (@tastemade) on

I'm here still trying to figure out how to cook without being lazy to wash the dishes after. Good luck on your cooking skill!



Legok Kondang Glamping Logde

10:28 AM

If you ask, how's after wedding life? i will said with voice from top of my lung, IT'S GREAAT! hahaha. Nope, i didnt exaggerate it, it is really that fun, new experience you would love, trust me *wink*.

But this post isnt about my married life, it's about the place we went for honeymoon. Actually we had 2 different places for honeymoon. First, we went to Jogja. I love this city so much,  there's something about this city that ask me to come back for more. Well maybe it's because my parent loved to take me there for family vacation every other week. Surprisingly my husband love this city too. He went there for KP when he was in college, lived there for two whole months! So we decided to go there for the sake our heart for the city. It was a like my dream, strolling the city i loved, holding hands and the rain drizzle a little. I feel like inside a movie

After two night in Jogja, we went back to Bandung for another honeymoon trip. I desperately want to have camping there. The place called Legok Kondang Glamping. If you dont know what glamping is, it's from the words Glamour Camping. You will be very very comfortable staying there. Tho you live in the tent but you will feel like living inside hotel room. Each tent have a bathroom (which very clean), comfortable bed (no sleeping inside sleeping bag with backache when wake up), breakfast in the morning (bye instant noodle), 24 hours hot baverage, beautiful scenery, cool air, and because our room supposedly for 4 people, and we only 2 people they offered us free BBQ dinner (yaaayness!). 

You better have reservation first because they got full booked especially on the weekend. Mostly this place used for family gathering from office. I just knew the meaning of legok, it's like a cavity (?) surrounded by greenery and mountain. It's surrounded by vegetables garden too. You could take a walk in the morning to see around the place.

The fun part was they only have a single road to reach the place and the road very slippery and a bit uphill. It was only for one car, if you accidentally meet car from the other way, you need to go reverse. But thankfully they offer to park you car at the parking area and take you to Glamping Village with their car. But because my husband's car somehow ready for the road, they ask us to just go there by ourselves. It was fun but also scary.

Dont forget to bring lots of mineral water, because they didnt provide inside tent. They provided it outside your tent, with coffee and tea also. Dont forget bring your warm outfits, it gets really cold at night and in the morning.

The staffs are really nice and helpful, breakfast was fine too (love the kacang ijo!). If you want to have a new experience with you family or your friends, this place could be a really great choice for weekend.

Glamping Legok Kondang Lodge
Lebakmuncang, Rancabali, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Pak Marcel di 081318179889
