

2:29 PM

Who doesn't love to see fresh flowers on your house everyday? I have this dream that i will always have fresh flowers on my dining table everyday. Those make everyone happy, am i right?
So here's to brightened up your day :)

Source: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10

Yes, red is too common. I love yellow, blue, orange and white! they're fun to look at :)



Gold and Silver

4:12 PM

My favorite color is blue through and through. Since i was kid my parent would give me that color for everything. Color gender doesnt apply in my family hahaha. But as i grew up and (lately) i found that i easily distracted with something shiny, like gold and silver. I have my beloved gold shoe (which i wear everywhere). Sometimes i put something gold or silver in party theme. Here's my favorites around the web (watch out! probably you should wear your shade :p)

Source: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9

Put a pinch of glitter or choose something has gold or silver in it, it'll easily make the difference (my eyes on you Trex ring and Silver necklace!). Good news for you, Zalora has silver necklace collections you can choose. Just go there and pick your favorite!



Suroboyo Carnival Night Market

5:36 PM

Mall is boring, and because i want to try this new place in my city so here we go. I was worried SCNM will packed with people because it was on Saturday, but i was wrong! I easily ride everything almost without queue. Go there at 4 or 5 PM, and ride the ferris wheel, so you could enjoy the view with pretty sunset.

If you've been to Batu Night Spectacular, you probably familiar with this lanterns garden. SCNM has zoo theme for the lanterns garden area. Off course we spend lots time here.


SKY 36

8:07 AM

Surabaya has new rooftop restaurant kinda place. It's located in Jl. Sumatra in 14th floor of Apartement36 Surabaya, it's right across Domicile. The view is pretty, you could see light from the busy street and tall building in the center of the city. You could also see Suramadu bridge from a far. I ordered black pasta with ink squid, it tastes so "seafood". But mostly, i love the view and my surrounding.

Make a reservation before going there and pick sofa behind us (picture above), you'd have the best view.

SKY 36
Jalan Sumatra no. 36 Surabaya
Open hours : 04.00 PM - 10.00 PM
Phone : 031-99005400 | 081230592000



Happy Birthday Ulin!

10:36 PM

Today is Yulis's turns to adding more number in his age. Yulin's is one of college friends who really love books and movies. You will easily find him in book launching or book fair but mostly he will be in his room either reading or watching series.  But we always ask him to download movies (mostly i am) because in his office he's the one who has fast internet connection. So we visit him in Tangerang to copy some movies and series. If you want to know latest book (he prefers fiction and fantasy) you could ask him. He's like our little brother because he usually recognize as intern student in his office, but in fact he's one of the man behind Kuala Namu Airport App, cool isnt it? Visit his blog here.

Happy birthday again Yuliiiiiinnn. Wishing you have more and more books and will have this biggest library !!



Sabtu Bersama Bapak

11:02 AM

Lama sekali kayaknya udah ga pernah abisin buku secepat kilat. I finished this book in 2 hours during break time at office. I love how Adhitya Mulya story telling his mind into a book. Buku pinjeman dari Ibnu hasil waktu saya lagi ngider di Gramedia trus liat buku judulnya catchy. Waktu baca judul awalnya mikir, " buku drama ini", tapi pas liat synopsis sama pengarangnya, "oh Adhitya yg nulis Jomblo. Kayaknya oke". Setelah sebulan (berkali-kali dan lupa-lupa terus) ingetin Ibnu biar bawa bukunya pas ketemu, minggu kemaren akhirnya bisa baca bukunya, and I LOVE IT!

I'll quote Adhitya's words on his blog about his book :
Dan ini adalah bukunya. Novel gue yang ke 5. Judulnya “Sabtu Bersama Bapak.” Dalam novel ini, Gue mengangkat tema kekeluargaan. Mungkin karena gue sendiri sudah menjadi kepala keluarga jadi keluarrga memang menjadi sesuatu yang gue hadapi sehari-hari. Coba kalo tiap hari gue ngurusin dukun, mungkin yang ada gue akan nulis novel “Mbah Suro dan rukonya.”
Alasan kedua kenapa gue angkat tema kekeluargaan adalah karena gue melihat ini tema yang masih jarang. Dan ini memamng menjadi strategi gue. Selalu bercerita atau memberi wacana, yang orang banyak belum bahas. Contohnya tahun 2003 belum banyak yang komedi kayak Jomblo dan Gege Mengejar Cinta. Alhamdulillah sukses.  Kemudian Travelers Tale, novel dengan tema travel, gue terbitkan sebelum buku travel fiksi dan nonfiksi berjamur. Coba aja, Travelers Talke terbit februari 2007. Kita bisa itung berapa banyak buku travel yang terbit sebelum dan sesudah februari 2007.

Buku ini bercerita tentang sebuah keluarga (manusia ya, bukan tapir). Saat anak-anak mereka masih kecil, sang bapak jatuh sakit. Dia takut kedua anaknya tidak memiliki figur bapak saat mereka tumbuh besar nanti. berdasarkan ketakutan itu, sang bapak menyusun sebuah rencana. Bertahun-tahun kemudian, rencana sang bapak menjadi pegangan bagi kedua anak dalam menjalankan hidup mereka masing-masing.
Itu outline dari ceritanya.
 Apa yang dapat kita Expect dari buku ini?
A different kind of Adhitya’s writing style. Mari kita akui, gue bertambah tua sejalan dengan umur dan semua yang gue lalui dalam hidup.  Gue masih bisa kok menulis tentang jomblo kuliahan. Tapi apakah itu masih dekat dengan gue? secara gue terakhir kuliah 13 tahun yang lalu. yang ada di depan mata gue sekarang adalah sekolah anak, karir, tagihan listrik. I am not the same young Adhitya who write Jomblo 10 years ago. Gue tidak berubah. Gue masih seganteng yang dulu. Nicolas Saputra  doang mah lewat. Tapi yang jelas gue juga berubah.
Teman-teman pembaca dapat melihat tulisan dan topik yang lebih dewasa dari yang teman-teman biasa temukan dalam tulisan gue pada umumnya. Itu aja sih.
He's funny but in my opinion kadang jayus mas, sungguan deh :p

Bukunya ngga menggurui meskipun banyak pelajaran-pelajaran yg bisa diambil buat manusia-manusia umur 20taun keatas. Banyak quotes-quotes yang bikin pengen ngestabilion satu buku. But these are my favorite :

“Menjadi panutan bukan tugas anak sulung-kepada adaik-adiknya, tapi tugas orang tua kepada semua anak” 
“Membangun sebuah hubungan itu butuh dua orang yang solid. Yang sama-sama kuat. Bukan yang saling ngisi kelemahan, Yu.”  

He tells story about building a warm and solid family, not a perfect one, but a solid one. Where the husband and the wife fight for what they love most. He also tells a story about one finding his other half, not in a cheesy way but how to be a good person so he could find a good woman. And about a mom who doesnt want to be a burden for others, she pushes her self to become strong woman for her kids and for her self.

Karena terlalu sering baca fiksi bocah, baca buku beginian bisa bikin otak seger lagi. Jangan cuma dibaca, di praktekkin juga Sza.

Happy reading,



Java Jazz 2015

8:28 AM

It was my second year to attend one of the biggest festival about jazz, Java Jazz 2015. Last year i only got a chance to saw several performance because i chose Friday. But this year, my friends and I decided will be there full day, so Saturday it is. I skipped most of Indonesian performers because the crazy queue. I dont know, the crowds seem prefer watch Artist they familiar with, which are like Tulus, Afghan, and Mocca. I went to Chris Botti, he was soo dreamy and great, Jarrod Lawson who really friendly and really good in Music and he also cute (new fans here!) and surprisingly Richard Bona had the most fun and attractive performance and music. I couldnt stop dancing while watching Richard Bona. For the last show i picked Kahitna, just because i love them since i was young. Like seriously everyone love them.

I really love the vibes when i went to Java Jazz. Because any age could enjoy the show.



Illustrate these

11:32 AM

Internet helps me find new things to see or heard. These are some of my favorite illustrators around the Internet. I really wish i could draw better, like seriously.

Rafael Mayani


Lala Bohang

Have a not-too brutal Monday!
