
Chick Flick

10:51 AM

I know that not everyone accepting they love chick flick. Mostly because they think it's so overrated and won't happen in real life. But sometimes i love watching them just to remind me that i have more simple life than they had in movies :D (Hello Kate Hudson!)
Here's my favorite chick flick movie :

1. Something Borrowed

2. Definitely, Maybe

3. He's Just Not That Into You

4. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

5. Julie And Julia

6. Bridemaids

7. Letters To Juliet

These are light and funny at the same time. Cliche i know, but that's the point of Chick Flick right?



Jogja for Weekend

1:18 PM

I went to Jogja last weekend with my usual friends. Three of them join Borobudur 10K then Tegar and I tag along with them for quick gateway from the city. We took night train Senja Utama from Pasar Senen to Yogyakarta. Good to know that the train now equip with air conditioner, which make the train super freezing and because the AC is for home use, the water keep leaking and fall down to us (poor Rendi :p).

After get off from train we went to my number one spot in Jogja for breakfast, Pecel Madiun Berkat in front of Malioboro Mall.

After took a bath at Hau's grandma house, we had lunch in House of Raminten and Kalimilk. I think i need to find somewhere else to go for lunch while in Yogya, any idea?

We stayed in front of Borobudur temple, homestay called Omah Eling. The place is quite nice and because it's also art gallery, you could find so many paintings and statues. I'm in love with their ceiling.

We went to Sendratari Ramayana too. It was my first experience to see that crazily beautiful ballet. It is better to reserved tickets days before, because it usually sold out (or maybe you want to see from VIP seat). We had dinner there with view of Prambanan Temple.

Next day,


Duet 2.0

5:12 PM

I stole these pictures from my friend's album, Dimas. He is in Korea right now because of his study. He took these pretty pictures. I feel jealous cause he could see these pretty fall colors.

All pictures below taken by @dimasagustinus and edited with VSCOCAM by me.

I mean, look at those leaves!!
If you want to the see first duet, here.

ps: i lost my phone yesterday while i was in Jogja :(



Big Hero 6

10:30 AM

I rarely post anything about movies, in fact i always watch one movie before i go to bed. Yep i'm a lazy movie freak. But, this time i'll post about newest Disney movie, Big Hero 6.

I watched this movie alone, yess by my self before i went to Bandung for Ica's wedding. Sometimes i prefer go to cinema alone. Because i'll give more attention to the movie, and the most important is no one ask "who is that?", "how did he become like that?", or the most annoying i ever heard from couple in front of me, "what's this movie about?". Oh for God sake, have you read the synopsis first before decided watching the movie. And sometimes i get annoyed if my friend ask me about "who is this" or "why he/she become like that", i freaking have no idea, that's the reason i watch the movie, because i want to know its story. I could be a bitch if this about going to cinema. Cause i dont want to be late get in the theater, i need to see the movie trailers first (sorry to my friends who always i scold because of this :p)

Big Hero 6 is the newest Disney movie. I wouldnt be the spoiler girl who will tell the whole story, nope. Probably you already see the trailer and the synopsis about this movie. This is kid movie, yes, but Disney always brought the "drama" side so adult could sit and watched the movie too. Before the movie begin, there is short-animation called Feist. The story is charming and simple about dog and its meal.
Back to Big Hero 6, this movie located in the city called San Fransokyo. Yep, it's from two famous city which are San Fransisco and Tokyo. They take San Fransisco's landscape with its up and down hill but Katakana writing here and there. One thing amaze me, they make Japanese version of Golden Gate Bridge and it is sooo cool. I love San Fransisco, my number three in my list after Bhutan and Paris :)

For you who like something about robotic or coding, this is fun to watched. The jokes are quite funny, and i believe children dont understand those haha. I laugh hard by myself, even the parents dont laugh, so i keep my laughter into minimum. The fluffy hug-able vinyl, Baymax is everyone favorite! Who doesnt want to hug him. But my personal favorite is Tadashi haha you'll know why. Yes, because everyone in this movie look like child, but Tadashi looks mature <3

The movie duration is not too long, so the kids would feel comfortable sitting down untill it's finished. Despite the funny Baymax, the super heroes things like this is similar with others super heroes. But Baymax is worth to watch.



Till Death Do Us Apart

12:52 PM

Kali ini saya nulisnya pakai bahasa Indonesia aja ya, biar lebih ngena ceritanya (alesan sih benernya, biar ga mikir grammar aslinya). Sebenernya malu bahas tentang cinta-cintaan begini. Tapi ada daya perempuan berumur 20-something, idupnya ga jauh dari galo-galo mikirin masa depan, yg salah satunya milih pasangan. Duluu pas taun baru saya pernah nulis mrepet tentang beginian, tapi ya cuman omongan doang sampe sekarang ngga ada hasilnya (sedih).

Pas scroll IG dan nemu post nya kakak Alodita kalo dia abis di interview 15 menit sama Leija, trus kepo deh ke blognya mbak Lei, trus nemu satu post yang ngena. Mungkin kemaren lagi PMS diujung ubun2 ya, jadi liat post beginian jadi kepikiran (dasar perempuan).

Jadi inti dari post nya itu adalah "Love-less Marriage". Pasti pada mikir "ih kok bisa?", "dijodohin pasti ya?", "Gak hepi dong?". Itu juga kesan pertama waktu ngelempar link ini ke temen2 perempuan saya di grup whatsapp, liat judul link nya aja udah bikin sinis, Kok bisa nikah tanpa cinta?!

Disitu mbak Lei cerita tentang dia sama suaminya yg awal nikah itu bukan for the sake because i love so much honey, tapi karena itu adalah the right thing to do at that time. Mereka pake proses pacaran kok, meskipun setelah 2 bulan kenal si suami langsung maen ngelamar Lei aja, jelas ditolak lah. Menurut cerita, waktu proposing ke lima atau keenam baru di iyain sama Lei.
Mungkin maksut dari love-less marriage ini buka love yang mendayu-dayu seperti di filem Notebook. Saya juga ngga percaya cinta begituan, terlalu berkobar-kobar. The idea of beauty of love is pretty, tapi itu semua ngga akan bertahan lama. Kata Lei sih, "And by love, I meant LOVE love. Romeo and Juliet’s love. We care about each other so much, but we agree our feelings are very platonic. Almost like siblings.".
Menurut saya hubungan seperti sibling atau bestfriend begini yang malah awet. Karena based mereka untuk married bukan "hanya" karena cinta. Karena cinta itu semu dan gak logis. Ini bukan karena saya udah muak cinta-cintaan yg ujungnya ditinggalin (curhat sikit), tapi memang gitu. Cinta itu gampang lekang oleh waktu, keadaan, dan orang lain (tetep). Tapi kalau based menikah karena "ya emang kita harus nikah, karena saya mau bikin team hebat sama kamu, because i want to build future with you", bukan karena "yaa soalnya saya cinta sama kamu", makan tuh cinta!

Kadang saya juga mikir, ada kan pasangan-pasangan yang ngoyo buat nikah sama pacarnya yg sekarang tapi dari keluarga ngga setuju. Ngoyo nya bgt, waktu ditanyain kenapa sama dia bilangnya, "ya aku sayang sama dia, dia sayang sama aku". Pleaseeee -__-"
Bibit, bobot, bebet itu juga penting, beberapa orang (mungkin) bakal ngga setuju dengan ini. Tapi i know deep down, our parents know best for their children. Karena marriage itu bukan hanya menyatukan 2 insan yg "katanya" cinta satu sama laen, tapi menyatukan 2 keluarga yang bisa jadi nyemplang kebiasaan, adat, atau background nya. Nah itu tugas si empunya gawe yaitu si laki dan perempuan ini buat nyatuin itu semua. Ngoyo boleh, tapi harus ada usaha jelasnya biar ortu nya luluh. Usaha cuman di salah satu pihak juga nggak bakal bisa, yang ada makan ati.

Besar nya cinta satu orang dengan orang lain itu beda. Apalagi di antara pasangan, cinta si laki belum tentu sama besarnya sama cintanya si perempuan. Tapi manusia nih ya, selalu pengen kalau cinta si pasangan kita kalau bisa ya segede cinta kita ke pasangan, dan itu akan berujung dengan insecure dan ga percayaan dan gak pede. Karena we would hungry for his/her love to us. Jadi kasarannya kalo dikasih cinta kitanya bakal kenyang deh. Duh saya paling ngga suka statement itu hahaha.

Balik ke love-less marriage lagi. Saya suka ide "i'm marrying my bestfriend" which terjadi di orang tua saya. Duluuu saya paling ga suka apalah itu pacaran sama temen sendiri, statemen "kalau putus kehilangannya dua orang sekaligus, temen sama pacar", lha wong itu pacarannya pas SMA masih ga mikir pokoknya asal jalan aja, ya toh akhirnya putus dan jadi musuhan (sekarang nggak kan yaa, meskipun kalo ketemu awkward :p). Karena teman kita itu bisa nerima kita apa adanya, dan stay by our side no matter what itu bukan jadi paksaaan, tapi ya because that's what friends are for. Kitanya juga kenal dia as a friend yang tidak ada niat untuk possess di awalnya, jadi lebih tulus, witing tresno jalaran soko kulino,bener toh? Beda kalo dari yang bener2 gak kenal, niat awalnya itu ingin memiliki, sukur2 abis itu pengen jadi teman hidup (aamiiin)

Jadi nya yaa saya ngomong panjang lebar begini (this is my longest post!hahaha) adalah cari pasangan yang mau tanggung jawab. Bukan hanya sayang atau cinta sama kita. KDRT juga kadang pake alasan "Maafin aku sayang, aku gini tuh karena sayang sama kamu", sayang ndasmu. Tapi kalau dianya tanggung jawab he knows how to act a descent and good partner and husband and even a loving father. Karena niatnya dia adalah membangun keluarga yang dia bisa pertanggung jawabkan, bukan because i love you and we will run to the sunset. Orang tua saya pesen nya selalu, "Mbak cari pasangan yang Iman nya kuat dan tanggung jawab, udah itu aja. Percuma ganteng,pinter,kaya tapi ngga takut sama Allah dan tanggung jawab sama keluarganya".Tapi aku maunya beriman, tanggung jawab, ganteng, pinter, kaya juga gimana dong :p.
Si Lei juga bilang, "Thankfully, over the next four years, Teguh has proven himself to be a decent husband and an excellent father. So my decision is right, so far.", bisa dibilang Lei ini living proof love-less marriage. Lei ngasih pesen juga, "What I’m saying is that there’s no fixed “template” for marriage. Every marriage is different, and mine happens to be loveless, practical, logical, but overall (still) solid with strong partnership."

Jadi pembelajaran juga buat saya dan buat yg sering nanya, "Sza ga ada pacar?pilih2 bgt sih" atau "emang ga ada yg deketin?", yg kedua paling jleb. Ada kok yang deketin, bukan pembelaan diri lho ya, yang disukain juga ada. Tapi ya itu tadi, stepping into marriage life masih butuh di yakinkan dan meyakinkan dulu. Saya tidak mau grasak grusuk, saya percaya jodoh saya ada tapi masih diumpetin sama Allah dulu biar saya bisa self improvement jadi perempuan, istri dan nantinya ibu yang baik (setrika baju aja masih ga becus --").

For my future husband out there,
Cepatlah datang woy, jangan sembunyi mulu! Semoga bisa jadi Imam saya yang baik dan bertanggung jawab aamiin. Dan mau diajakin nonton film marathon ya *kiss kiss



Wedding of Ica & Fitra

12:57 PM

I came all the way from Jakarta to Bandung to attend her wedding because Ica is one of my close friends from work. I helped her buy her 'seserahan' for wedding. The Akad was beautiful, really. She looks more beautiful that day :)
ps : please excuse the blurry images :(

Happy wedding dearest Ica & Fitra. May Allah always bless your marriage! You two looked very happy, it makes us nearly cry during the Akad :') Icaaa you look pretty, really!! Have fun at the honeymoon.
