
After 3 Months

2:22 PM

I want to spread a good news, yep i'm officially have bun in the oven, or pregnant you might say. We (me and the baby and the husband not to forget to be included) had survive the first trimester. Which for some people sound scary and horrifying because there will be so many pain (on your tits, tummy and all over your body), nonstop nausea and vomiting, change hormonal issue, or gain weight (i gain 2 kg after 2 months married on my 4 weeks pregnancy zzz) and there's more if you want a big list.

Thankfully i experienced few of those pregnancy symptoms. Which are :

- I gained weight (duh!), not too surprise about this things because i usually so easy to gain weight.

- I easily exhausted. From walking too far and too long or taking stairs on my office. Man, it was like i need to slow down my pace. No more jumping to one tile to another while walking.

- I sleep a lot, i mean A LOT! Before knowing that i'm pregnant, my husband felt weird of me because suddenly after 8 PM i said good night to him. And then after that i feel sleepy every time anywhere. I sleep during office hour on my chair which i rarely to do.

- I start eat healthy. This one thanks to dear husband who always remind me to NOT USING ANY MICIN IN EVERY MEAL I TAKE. I dont know, i dont really mind at all if there's just a lil bit vetsin on my meals hahaha. But yes, i care about my baby so i start eat more green and healthy food. But after two months my appetite decreasing, i dont know if i dont want it i just cant eat it.

- I rarely feel nauseous and never vomiting at first. I felt a lil bit sick whenever i eat too many so my tummy feels too full. But it was one or two nauseous and then it's gone. Thankfully the most scary story about pregnancy is during their nausea and vomiting problems. I have friend who also pregnant, she could come to office because the vomiting was too harsh on her. Alhamdulilah Mance (we called the baby Mance) knows that the mother need to stay fit.

- I do experience "ngidam" or too craving on something, and mostly meal from my hometown Surabaya. But i never wanted something in the middle of the night which will make me and my husband crazy haha. I think Mance knows that the father cant always be around so the baby wont ask anything silly or crazy. Just something I could get by my self. 

- I feel like a urinal machine and the bathroom is my bestfriend.

- My husband become more protective of my self and the baby. He wouldnt let me bring or lift anything. He would give me killer look whenever i tried to bring my own bag or tried to lift something he thought it was heavy. He would reminded me to walk slower or take the stairs more careful. He would ask me "are you okay?" thousands time hahaha. He always drag me to nearest chair just make sure i have proper "break time" during our grocery shopping with family. Sure he will become the best papah in the whole world. We love you paaaaaah!

- My bestfriend is pregnant too!!!

- I had bad flu and cough during pregnancy. Sooooo stressful.

They said the second trimester is the best time to travel. Because the less body ache, the baby is already strong enough, the mama also already accustomed with the pregnancy. I wonder if my husband will read this and remember what he said during our waaaaay past conversation if it in the second trimester that we will go somewhere.

Please wish us a healthy and fun pregnancy!
