New Year, eh?
6:42 AMWhoaaaa cant believe how fast time goes, 2013 will end soon! Surely it creep me out, i feel like still soooo many things i didn't do in this past year.
Let's make a new RESOLUTION for 2014. I'm not a "make-another-resolution-every-year" person. I just do my life flawless-ly. But because i'm turning 24 on '14, well i need something to do in my life (which is more serious things. ha! kidding :p )
i wont make hard resolution, i will make easy one but i'll do it everyday and continue.something like Less sugar for daily or taking exercise every week (this is a must do in my resolution). If it is too hard, i wont doing it (B type alert).
Actually there are still so many things i want do on '14 but who knows my list will keep going on and on.
Have a great holiday gateway!